Why Land at Gallipoli?

This crossword was created by Anzac Day Websites with EclipseCrossword - www.eclipsecrossword.com

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  1. If the Dardanelles had been placed under control, the British would have been able to sail through to ..........
  2. The Turks laid .......... in the Dardanelles.
  3. The Anzacs landed at Gallipoli on 25 .......... 1915.
  4. The Dardanelles is a narrow area of .......... in Turkey.


  1. Landing at .......... was intended to be the first step in gaining control of the Dardanelles.
  2. Gallipoli is in the country known as ..........
  3. It was hoped that the troops would be able to move on to the Dardanelles where they could prevent the Turks firing on British ..........
  4. An area of sea that passes through two pieces of land.

This crossword puzzle was created by Anzac Day Websites with EclipseCrossword. Try it today—it's free!