War memorials (awm.gov.au) Registers of war memorials in Australia are
maintained by individual states.
Virtual War
Memorial Australia (vwma.org.au)
Large database memorials in and beyond Australia, as well as of soldiers.
Click on "People" then enter a soldier's name.
War graves (awm.gov.au) Members of the Australian armed services who
have died in conflict are buried in 83 countries around the world.
War Memorials(From diggerhistory.info,
archived by the NLA's Pandora Archive on 6 Mar 2010. See also our "Where
is Digger History?" page.) Notice the list of links to memorials to Anzac soldiers
around the world at the right of the page.
War Cemeteries(From diggerhistory.info,
archived by the NLA's Pandora Archive on 6 Mar 2010. See also our "Where
is Digger History?" page.) At the right of the page notice the list of links to cemeteries of Anzac soldiers
around the world.
and honouring: memorials and heritage (Parliament of Australia:
Parliamentary Library) (If the web page is unavailable, you can
find the information in the archived pdf file:
Anzac Day Kit [pdf,
(Note that many links are not accessible as this material was
produced for users of the Parliamentary Library.)
War Memorials in Australia
(Original site: skp.com.au/memorials2)
Site and archived versions currently not available (12 Nov. 2011). [When
available, see
Descriptions for state-by-state lists, see also the Links and
Remembering Them App
Educational Activities (anzacportal.dva.gov.au)
Click on the link to the PDF file (or the DOC link for a Word
version). Suggested activities using the geocoded list of memorials, war
graves and museums accessible through an app for Android and Apple iOS
devices. It is available free from
iTunes and
Google Play .BUT NOTE: Not
currently available, 8 Nov 2019
New Zealand memorials
100 NZ World War One
memorials 1914-2014 (100nzmemorials.blogspot.com.au)
A blog site that aims to document 100 New Zealand World War 1
- Scroll down for a useful list of other memorial-related websites
(at the right of the page).
Jack and Tom
An excellent re-enactment tribute using student performers.
This video enables people to appreciate that actual people are behind the
lists of names of soldiers on World War 1 war memorials.
Tributes generally
Tributes(From diggerhistory.info,
archived by the NLA's Pandora Archive on 6 Mar 2010. See also our "Where
is Digger History?" page.)
See the Digger History tribute page for a wide range
of material. Note the list of links at the right of the page.
Honouring Anzacs (honouringanzacs.net.au)
Search for Anzac soldiers by name, place of birth or enlistment town.
You can print a
certificate containing the soldier's name and image.
You need to sign up if you wish to add images, tributes or
registration will allow students to use an online interactive book
for research and other activities, where possible relating to the particular
soldier a student has selected. Portions of the book may be downloaded and
printed. Registration is free, although the website encourages donations.
. WWI pictorial Honour Rolls of Australians who served in the First World War
(grave-secrets.weebly.com) SEARCH: At the top-right, click on "MORE..." then choose
"Name Search". As well as searching for a
full name such as "Fred Blacklow" try just the surname.
The Gallipoli VCs
The Victoria Cross was awarded to nine of the Australians who landed at