Anzacs (honouringanzacs.net.au)
Students engage in research about an
individual soldier, using an online interactive book. Portions of the book
may be downloaded and printed. Registration is free, although currently (12
Dec 2015) school registration is unavailable.
AWM Advanced
Search page (awm.gov.au) Besides searching, you
can look at the various categories.
Military history
and Australian military history (museumsvictoria.com.au) An overview of starting
points for researching the history of Australians involved in World
War 1.
Finding Stories, Questions[pdf]
(Anzac Day Media Style Guide 2016 pages 32-37)
These pages have been written with members of the media in mind, but some of
the information may be helpful for students planning to interview people who
have participated in military activities.
Your local community
Finding evidence of the impact of war on your community (anzacday.org.au)
A general overview of searching your community for evidence
of involvement in war, with links to: -
interview hints -
preparing a list [pdf], and
creating a map [pdf]
National Library: First
World War guide (natlib.govt.nz) A very useful guide for those wishing to
research any aspect of New Zealand's participation in World War 1.