The Ode of Remembrance From For the Fallen, by Laurence
They shall grow not old, as we
that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. (When these words are read out as part of a
ceremony, the group of people present repeat the last
line, "We will remember them".)
The War Poetry
Website: Remembrance poems (
"Poems for Remembrance Day and Peace Events."
A British website, containing many poems that would be suitable for
an Australian Remembrance Day ceremony.
Their Spirit: Our History [pdf]
( See page 37 for: - In Flanders fields
- We shall keep the faith
- The farmer remembers the Somme
and page 38 for:
- the Ode
● See also Anzac Day poems
(but note that some of these poems are suitable for Anzac Day rather than
Remembrance Day)