Australian Women in War (
From this page you can download the (very large) complete document Australian Women in War [pdf 24MB], or
from the same page download the
following sections individually (as pdf files): -
Introduction for Teachers
Unit 1: Australian Women in the Second South African Anglo-Boer War
Unit 2: Australian Women in World War I (1914-1918)
Unit 3: Australian Women in World War II (1939-1945)
Unit 4: Australian Women in British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) and
the Korean War (1946-1953)
Unit 5: Australian Women in the Vietnam War (1962-1973)
Unit 6: Australian Women in the Australian Defence Force and in Peace
Operations (1947 – Today)
- Unit 7: Australian Women and Commemoration
Australian nurses (primary) ( Provides many pdf files
of activities involving Australian nurses, some specific to the Boer War,
the First World War and the Second World War, and some of a general nature.
Australian nurses (secondary) ( Like the previous
item, this page provides many pdf files of activities involving Australian
nurses, some specific to the Boer War, the First World War and the Second
World War, and some of a general nature.
Women at War: The changing role of women in times of conflict [pdf file]
(archived from Part of Working the Web. Some of the content of
this archived collection of activities for students (such as references to
other web pages) is out-of-date. The document is no longer held on the DVA
website but the link to an archived copy is provided here for teachers who
may be referring students to the activities that are still useful.
ACTIVITY Women in War
( (Might
not work, depending on your browser's Flash settings.)
World War 1
World War 1: Women in War ( Quite a range of ways in which women supported the war effort in
Word War 1 are outlined, as well as a number of source documents such as
photographs. Suggested student research
activities are then suggested.
Women's services in World War 2 (
"Comparing image and reality in the WAAAF."
Theactivity overview lists six components involving investigation:
the image presented, involving
- the reality: the reasons some women DID
join the WAAF
- the reality: why some women
DID NOT join the WAAAF
what women did - what women did and were paid
- One WAAAF remembers: questions on an extract of the story of Judy
The Veil of Night ( This song by singer/songwriter
Lugh Damen is dedicated to wartime and
post-war women healers and nurses. The lyrics [pdf] are available. For more
information see our Modern Anzac Day
music page.
New Zealand
Women at War Activity Book [pdf] ( Background
information, illustrations and a few questions.